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“One Map”platform identified as an exemplary model in the Information-based Education Management and Its Digitalization Application for 2022 and 2023 by the Ministry of Education and Hubei provincial authorities

Author: Source:  Release Date:Nov 16, 2023 15:39 Click Times: []

Recently, the Education Management Information Center of the Ministry of Education published the list of 2022-2023 Exemplary Model in the Information-based Education Management and Its Digitalization Application; Hubei Provincial Center for Educational Informatization Development and Hubei Provincial Digital Education Hall also published the list of Provincial-level Digitalization Cases, which includes our submitted project of Building a Campus Comprehensive Location Service System based on the "One Map" Platform.

The "One Map" platform is a crucial information infrastructure built on the success of the university's "Ten Ones" informatization project, with the digitalization of the campus' geographical space as its core. This technology has successfully enabled the provision of campus spatial information in a data-driven manner, and has guaranteed the accuracy of geospatial data for assorted university information systems, including those for teaching, scientific research, and management. It has also ensured the consistency of the geospatial data dispersed throughout its various systems. In the meantime, information from a range of management information systems such as student records, HR data, assets, teaching, research, laboratories, transport, security, fire protection, logistics, and landscaping are converged on the "One Map" platform, in terms of the aspects of people, space, and activities, achieving an integrated, holistic, and mutually coordinated structure, and providing the university with more intuitive, accurate, and dynamic support. The selection of our university as an exemplary model of digitalization by the Ministry of Education and Hubei province, is indicative of the fact that we are among the leading universities domestically in this arena. It also serves as an acknowledgement of our accomplishments in the effective implementation of information technology.

       In recent years, our university has leaned into the strategic action of digitalizing education and implemented the information technology development plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan Period (2021-2025) on the basis of the "Ten Ones" project, earning a series of accomplishments in the digital space. Many cases, including the "Study at HUST" smart teaching environment, "A Form" platform, HUST on WeChat, and integrated smart administrative service system, have been cited as exemplary digital campus cases by the Ministry of Education and Hubei province. In the coming days, the university will persistently seek to advance the digitalization of education, striving to elevate the quality of digital educational resources in order to aid the building of a "Double First-Class" university.

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